⑴ Why is digital code 01 a tree?
1. What we are talking about is using electrical signals to replace other signals, such as sounds, images... p>
2. Analog signals use electrical signals to directly replace other signals. For example, when an electrical signal is used instead of a sound signal, the amplitude of the voltage is used to represent the size of the sound.
3. The voltage above that changes according to the change of sound is an analog signal (it can also be called analog data as in your question). There are many ways to store analog signals. For example, a tape recorder uses different voltages to magnetize the magnetic particles on the tape with different magnetic strengths.
4. Digital signals come from analog signals. Research has found that human senses can be deceived. When you cut off the analog signal a little, people cannot sense it as long as the time is short enough. In this way, the voltage of one point of the analog signal is measured, and the voltage of another point is measured at one end of the interval. Then the voltage values ??of this point and each point are used for transmission and storage. It's like when a sound is transmitted to you, what you get is a series of discontinuous voltages such as 2v, 2.1v, 2.2v, and 1.8v, instead of the continuous voltage that the simulation gives you.
5. The meaning of coding and splitting of digital signals:
a. It is for the convenience of transmission and storage, just like the salt you buy at home comes in small bags, because the salt you buy in big bags It couldn't be used, so the manufacturer packed it into a small bag. However, large bags are used from manufacturers to supermarkets, and one large bag contains 100 small bags of salt. Since the digital signal is already the voltage of discontinuous points, it can be encoded into different numbers as a unit for transmission or storage. Because the simulated signal is a continuous signal, it cannot be encoded using this method.
b. It is compression coding. This is when we find that many of the signals are the same. For example, a white wall appears in the image. There is no need to transmit the same signal repeatedly. Just transmit the starting voltage, and then Just tell me how many are the same below. As for the white wall above, if you originally want to transmit 100 1v voltages, using the idea of ??compression, you only need to transmit 1 1v, and then transmit a quantity of 100. In this way, 2 numbers will replace the original 100 to be transmitted. number. Furthermore, compression also throws away things that we think are unnecessary. For example, if the frequency of the sound is too high and the sensitivity of the ear is not that high, just throw it away. Furthermore, as mentioned before, the white wall will change slightly and cannot be the same white. But we always have a standard, that is, when the difference is small enough, we consider it to be no difference. This is so-called lossy compression. Of course, there is no condition that analog signals can be transmitted and the following is 100, and there is no requirement that the previous ones must be saved and linked to 100 such devices, so there is no such encoding.
⑵ How many coding methods are there for the department coding level 2-2-2?
I don’t know why I ask this.
First of all, you have to understand what level 2-2-2 means, which means that departments can be divided into three levels. Such as the first-level general office, the second-level accounting department, and the third-level accountant. The coding is as follows: General Office 01
Accounts Department 0101
Accounting 010101
The last-level department is the accounting department.
Then, we can use 0-9, a-z for department coding. Then we calculate how many departments there are. If all first-level departments are all bottom-level departments. Then you have to use the permutations and combinations learned in high school. 36*36.
Consider multiple options and have one level. There is another level two. There is also level three. That's a lot of data. I forgot everything I learned in high school. I won't count it.
⑶ What Chinese character does 01 represent in computer coding?
Assume that 01 you are talking about represents ASCII code
Then it does not represent Chinese characters, but can represent CTRL+A. Under dos, it shows a hollow face
⑷ Why is the binary ASCII code of character 1 0110001
Because the ASCII code was stipulated in this way at that time:
The ten ASCII codes 0011 0000 to 0011 1001 respectively represent the ten numeric characters from "0" to "9";
This is a conventional rule and has become a standard.
⑸ Project code 010401004001 I know that 01 is the construction, 04 is the fourth chapter, 01 is the first section, 004 and 001 represent
The project code is the number of the sub-item bill of quantities project name logo. The coding of sub-item bill of quantities items is set in five-level coding, represented by twelve-digit *** numbers. Digits one to nine should be set uniformly according to the provisions of the appendix of the "Pricing Specifications". Digits ten to twelve should be set according to the project name of the bill of quantities of the proposed project. Project codes for the same bidding project must not have duplicate codes. The meanings of the codes at each level are as follows:
The first level is the project classification sequence code (divided into two digits): 01 for construction projects, 02 for decoration projects...09 for blasting projects
The second level is the professional project sequence code (divided into two digits)
The third level is the branch project sequence code (divided into two digits)
The fourth level is the sub-project project Sequence code (divided into three digits)
The fifth level is the sequence code (divided into three digits) of the bill of quantities
For details, please refer to the "Construction Project Bill of Quantities Pricing Specification" GB50500-- 2013
⑹ What does the code No.01 in the lower right corner of the self-study undergraduate diploma mean?
The meaning of the self-study examination graduation certificate number is as follows:
Higher education self-study examination and higher education The registration number of the diploma examination graduation certificate is arranged by the higher education self-study examination committee of each province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) in the following order: the first digit is the school type code; (the self-study examination code is 6, so the "self-study examination number" all starts with 6 ).
The 2nd digit is the training level code; (5 is undergraduate, 6 is junior college)
The 3rd and 4th digits are the national standard code of the province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government); (same as ID card Number; for example, Zhejiang starts with 33)
The 5th and 6th digits are the national standard code of the place (city); (for example, Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province: 01)
The 7th and 8th digits It is the county (district) national standard code; (for example, Hangzhou Municipal District: 01)
The 9th and 10th digits are the year code; —— (for example: in 2011, it is "11")
< p> The 11th digit is the test number code for the first and second half of the year; (for example: "1" is the first half of the year, "2" is the second half of the year)The 12th to 16th digits are the admission ticket serial number code; (The last 5 digits of the admission ticket) The 17th digit is the verification code (the mantissa is determined when applying for the admission ticket).
⑺ The student number code 0281-01-23 belongs to ( ) A, multifaceted code B, sequence code C, mnemonic code D, association code
C, college code 0281 , Class 1, class number 23. . . .
⑻ Among the accounting subjects, are the subjects with the subject code **01 all first-level subjects?
For first-level accounting accounts, the length of the account code is fixed at 4 digits. In the first-level accounting account name and numbering scheme of the "Enterprise Accounting System" (2001) issued by the Ministry of Finance, the first code is used to identify the nature of the account, and the last three digits are coded in sequence.
1. Asset Class
1 1001 Cash
2 1002 Bank Deposits--------For example: Level 1
3 1009 Other monetary funds
100901 Deposits from other places -------such as: secondary
100902 Bank cashier's check
100903 Bank draft p>
100904 Credit card
100905 Letter of credit deposit
100906 Investment deposit
4 1101 Short-term investment
110101 Stock
110102 Bonds
110103 Funds
110110 Others
5 1102 Provision for short-term investment price decline
6 1111 Should Notes receivable
7 1121 Dividends receivable
8 1122 Interest receivable
9 1131 Accounts receivable
10 1133 Other receivables Collection
11 1141 Bad debt provision
12 1151 Prepaid accounts
13 1161 Subsidy receivable
14 1201 Material procurement< /p>
15 1211 Raw materials
16 1221 Packaging materials
17 1231 Low-value consumables
18 1232 Material cost differences
19 1241 Self-made semi-finished products
20 1243 Inventory goods
21 1244 Price difference between purchase and sale of goods
22 1251 Commissioned processing materials
23 1261 Commodities entrusted to be sold on a consignment
24 1271 Commodities entrusted to be sold on a consignment
25 1281 Provision for inventory depreciation
26 1291 Merchandise issued in installments
27 1301 Prepaid expenses
28 1401 Long-term equity investment
140101 Stock investment
140102 Other equity investments
29 1402 Long-term debt investment
140201 Bond investment
140202 Other debt investments
30 1421 Provision for impairment of long-term investments
31 1431 Entrusted loans
143101 Principal
143102 Interest
143103 Impairment provision
32 1501 Fixed assets
33 1502 Accumulated depreciation
p>34 1505 Provision for impairment of fixed assets
35 1601 Engineering materials
160101 Special materials
160102 Special equipment
160103 Prepayment for large equipment
160104 Tools and equipment prepared for production
36 1603 Construction in progress
37 1605 Impairment provision for construction in progress
38 1701 Liquidation of fixed assets
39 1801 Intangible assets
40 1805 Provision for impairment of intangible assets
41 1815 Unrecognized financing costs
42 1901 Long-term prepaid expenses
43 1911 Pending property gains and losses
191101 Pending gains and losses from current assets
191102 Pending gains and losses from fixed assets
2. Liabilities
44 2101 Short-term borrowings
45 2111 Notes payable
< p> 46 2121 Accounts payable47 2131 Accounts received in advance
48 2141 Payment for consignment goods
49 2151 Wages payable
50 2153 Welfare fees payable
51 2161 Dividends payable
52 2171 Taxes payable
217101 Value-added tax payable
21710101 Input tax< /p>
21710102 Taxes paid
21710103 Transfer-out unpaid value-added tax
21710104 Tax exemptions
21710105 Output tax
21710106 Export tax rebate
21710107 Transfer-out of input tax
21710108 Deduction of export tax payable for domestic products
21710109 Transfer-out overpayment of VAT
p>21710110 Value-added tax not paid
217102 Business tax payable
217103 Consumption tax payable
217104 Resource tax payable
217105 Income tax payable
217106 Land value-added tax payable
217107 Urban maintenance and construction tax payable
217108 Real estate tax payable
217109 Land use tax payable
217110 Vehicle and vessel use tax payable
217111 Personal income tax payable
53 2176 Other payables
< p> 54 2181 Other payables55 2191 Accrued expenses
56 2201 Value of assets to be transferred
57 2211 Estimated liabilities
58 2301 Long-term borrowings
59 2311 Bonds payable
231101 Bond face value
231102 Bond premium
231103 Bond discount
< p> 231104 Accrued interest60 2321 Long-term payables
61 2331 Special payables
62 2341 Deferred taxes
3. Owner’s equity
63 3101 Paid-in capital (or share capital)
64 3103 Returned investment
65 3111 Capital reserve
311101 Capital (or equity) premium
311102 Preparation for accepting donations of non-cash assets
311103 Accepting cash donations
311104 Preparation for equity investment
311105 Transfer of appropriations
311106 Foreign currency capital conversion difference
311107 Other capital reserves
66 3121 Surplus reserves
312101 Statutory surplus reserve
312102 Discretionary surplus reserve
312103 Statutory public welfare fund
312104 Reserve fund
312105 Enterprise development fund
p>312106 Return of profits to investment
67 3131 Profit for the year
3141 Profit distribution
314101 Other transfers
31 Withdrawal from statutory surplus reserve
314103 Withdrawal from statutory public welfare fund
314104 Withdrawal from reserve fund< /p>
314105 Withdrawal of enterprise development fund
314106 Withdrawal of employee incentive and welfare fund
314107 Return of profits to investment
314108 Preferred stock dividends payable
p>314109 Appropriation of discretionary surplus reserve
314110 Common stock dividends payable
314111 Common stock dividends converted into capital (or share capital)
314115 Undistributed profits
IV. Cost categories
69 4101 Production costs
410101 Basic production costs
410102 Auxiliary production costs
70 4105 Manufacturing expenses
71 4107 Labor costs
5. Profit and loss categories
72 5101 Main business income
73 5102 Other business income
74 5201 Investment income
75 5203 Subsidy income
76 5301 Non-operating income
77 5401 Main business Business costs
78 5402 Main business taxes and surcharges
79 5405 Other business expenses
80 5501 Operating expenses
81 5502 Management Expenses
82 5503 Financial expenses
83 5601 Non-operating expenses
84 5701 Income tax
85 5801 Adjustment of profit and loss in previous years
⑼ In the bill of quantities, what does the project code A01.02.01001 mean?
A01 is the construction project, 02 is the pile and foundation engineering, 01 is the concrete pile, and 001 is the prefabricated steel bar Concrete pile
⑽ Is the .class file compiled by java a bunch of 01 sequences? What encoding should be used when opening it to see normal content?
Just use a decompilation tool. I will give you the tool I use now. Just unzip it, run the exe file inside, and drag in the class file.