There is usually such a formula that the total repayment amount of credit card in the current period = repayment balance in the previous period-paid amount/other accounts+newly signed amount/other expenses. If the "overdue repayment amount" is positive, it means that there are overdue accounts that need to be repaid immediately during this period, otherwise the overdue record will continue. If the "Total Amount Payable in Current Period" is positive, it means that there are arrears to be repaid in this period; If it is negative, it means that there is a deposit balance and there is no need to repay it in this period.
There are two main credit card limits, including daily credit limit and maximum credit limit. Among them, the daily credit line is the conventional available line combined with the daily consumption habits of cardholders; The maximum credit limit refers to the maximum credit limit that cardholders can apply for according to their needs. When there is a consumer demand that exceeds the daily credit limit, you can apply to raise the daily credit limit to the highest credit limit through customer service channels.
The credit card bill shows that the negative number is excess, there is overpayment, and there is no consumption in this period, so the bill shows negative number (if you still owe money, it shows positive number).
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