This text message from CITIC is a warning text message. Generally, there are three types of credit card risk control text messages, one is group text message, the other is warning text message, and the other is risk control text message. Group text messages only remind you to be safe when using your card. They are notification text messages. Warning text messages indicate that your serious behavior of cashing out has been warned by the bank. Risk control text messages clearly inform you that there is a problem with the way you use your card.
Characteristics of CITIC warning text messages
Receipt of warning text messages will most likely lead to the risk of card closure. Risk control text messages are expected to be derated, which may lead to overdue payments. Condition. CITIC also has a black room. If you can't make consumption installments or bill installments, you're in a black room. You can't make installments, you can't raise the limit, you don't have the dream bonus, and you may not necessarily get a reduction if you receive a warning message, but there is also a risk of being reduced.
When making installments, you can choose 10% to 30% of the card limit for installments. It is recommended to divide it into 6 to 12 installments. If you feel that you are very dangerous, just make the installment. The card has been warned, and it is still useful to make installment plans. I believe many cardholders have had the experience of being derated after refusing to apply for installments. During special periods, if you receive a call from customer service inviting installment plans, go for installments. This is likely to be a derating. warning before.