Possible jail time. If your credit card is seriously overdue and you refuse to repay, it may be considered a credit card fraud and you may be imprisoned. The elements of credit card fraud include: the cardholder has the subjective purpose of misappropriating the credit card limit; the amount of debt owed exceeds 10,000 yuan, etc.
How to solve the current dilemma?
First of all, you need to express your willingness to repay, explain the situation and not maliciously owe money, and strive for a good outcome.
Secondly, since overdue payment will result in very high penalty interest and liquidated damages, these related payments can be applied for exemption.
Third, you need to negotiate a repayment plan with the bank, or you can apply for installments.
Fourth, if you do not want to pay the installment fee, you can consider borrowing from others to repay this fee.
However, you may face serious consequences in the following two situations:
First, refuse to appear in court to respond
If you receive a court summons and you If you refuse to appear in court to respond to the lawsuit, the court can make a default trial in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law. The judgment is completely decided by the bank. You cannot mediate, which is not good for you, so appear in court on time to respond to the lawsuit;
Second, if you refuse to comply with the court's decision, you may face jail time
According to relevant laws, if your credit card is overdue for more than 3 months and you still fail to repay it after two bank collections, may be defined as malicious overdraft, and according to the relevant provisions of Article 196 of the Criminal Law for "relatively large amounts", one may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention, and a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan