If your credit card expires, you may have a hard time borrowing money from anywhere. If your credit card is overdue but has been paid off, you can also try these platforms:
1. Have money to spend: The application threshold is relatively low and is open to the general public. You can try to apply by filling in your mobile phone number, real-name authentication, binding a bank debit card, etc. However, checking personal credit information also requires authorization, and whether you can borrow money depends on the comprehensive approval of the system.
2. JD Gold Bars: Although overdue credit cards will also affect the application review of JD Gold Bars, if you often consume and shop on the JD platform, have good consumption and payment habits, and have high account activity, then you There are still good borrowing opportunities.
3. Fenqile: Like JD Gold Bar, in addition to paying attention to personal credit, it will also refer to the user's consumption and payment habits in the installment mall, evaluate various factors, and give loan approval results.
4. Jiebei: For products on Ant Group’s Alipay loan platform, those with good personal credit are eligible to apply, but users with active Alipay accounts, sufficient Huabei accounts, and good usage are more likely to apply.
5. Alipay reserve fund: the small consumer credit of Ant Group under the Alipay platform, with a maximum limit of 500 yuan and a maximum usage period of 7 days. You can enjoy 7 days of free payment for the first time, and the focus is to check Sesame Credit If the Zhima Credit Score accumulated by Alipay is good, it will be easier to borrow money.
Can I only pay the minimum payment on my credit card if it is overdue?
If the credit card is overdue, but the bank does not send a collection message requiring the user to repay in full, or there is still a minimum repayment option on the repayment page, the user can select the minimum repayment amount. If the user receives a text message requesting full repayment, or there is no minimum repayment option on the repayment page, the user must repay as required by the text message. In fact, users who are only overdue occasionally or for a short period of time can usually choose the lowest repayment.