If one of the credit card payments is overdue, will it affect my credit? Credit cards are directly linked to our credit, and we do not have to repay them on time after using them. However, there ar
If one of the credit card payments is overdue, will it affect my credit? Credit cards are directly linked to our credit, and we do not have to repay them on time after using them. However, there are often people whose repayments are overdue due to various reasons. Some may not pay in time for only one installment, and they are worried that it will affect their credit. Today, we will talk about matters related to credit card repayment overdue. In fact, overdue credit card repayments may not necessarily affect your credit. This depends on two factors, one is the number of days overdue, and the other is reported by the bank. Most banks now have a grace period, usually 1 to 3 days. It depends on the bank's regulations. If the number of overdue days is within the grace period, it will not be overdue and your credit will not be affected. However, if the grace period is exceeded, it still depends on whether the bank reports it to the central bank for credit reporting. If overdue records have been reported, it will affect your credit. For example, assuming that the China Merchants Bank credit card has a 3-day grace period and the repayment date is the 5th, as long as the repayment overdue period does not exceed the 8th, it will still be considered a normal repayment without any impact. If you repay the loan after the 8th, but after you have paid off the phone and the bank has not reported it, you can explain that it is not a malicious overdue payment, and the bank may not report it, which will not affect your credit. Otherwise, if both factors are met at the same time, your credit will definitely be damaged. Some friends see that the repayments are overdue and have a bad credit record. After paying off the debt, they want to close the account to clean up their credit score. This approach does not work. Originally, if the account still existed, the bad records could only be eliminated after 5 years of repayment. However, once the account is closed, it may never be eliminated. In short, if you don’t want your credit card to affect your credit score, it’s best to repay on time, otherwise there is a risk of overdue repayment, even if only one payment is overdue.