Paying for goods and services with a credit card has become a way of life. People no longer carry cash to buy sweaters (or sweatshirts) and major appliances. Some people use credit cards for convenience; others choose to use credit cards because they can buy things they can't afford to sell now (credit cards allow you to overdraw, spend first and pay back later). Credit cards allow people to do this, which is one of the great inventions of the 21st century. In the early 20th century, credit became popular. With cars and airplanes, people can travel selectively, and they can visit different stores to satisfy their shopping desires. Many stores and gas stations are trying to win the trust of their customers by offering credit to customers who use their cards. Unfortunately, people need to carry dozens (12 per dozen) of cards if they plan on shopping for a day. It wasn't until 1950 that a credit card that could be used in different stores was invented. The idea was born in 1949 when Frank This particular (picky) customer lent a lot of credit cards to his poor neighbor because he needed something urgently. Because of this incident, the man (the customer) actually asked his neighbor to pay him back the original money, plus extra money. But many of his neighbors were unable to repay, and he was forced to borrow money from the Hamilton Credit Company. Near the end of dinner, McNamara was shocked to discover that he had forgotten his wallet. Much to his embarrassment, he later had to call his wife and ask her to bring him some money. Merging two concepts (principles) from dining out, lending a credit card and not having cash on hand to pay for a meal, McNamara came up with an idea: a credit card that could be used at different locations. He discussed the idea with two of his friends, and in 1950 they started a new company called Diners Club. Instead of providing credit to their own customers, Eater Club provides credit to individual users of many companies. The company receiving the Diners Club gets (is given) $7 per transaction (7 of the total transaction price), whereas the credit card subscriber (user) gets $3 per year. At first, it went poorly. However, the concept of cards continued to expand, and by the end of 1950, 20,000 people were using Diners Club credit cards. The Diners Club credit card grew in popularity until, in 1958, it met a competitor (received competition). That year, American Express and VISA came (came). The concept of a universal credit card has been established and is quickly spreading around the world.
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