visa card is a credit card issued by an international organization, among which most cardholders apply for visa card just for Haitao. With the visa card, it is very suitable for shopping both at home and abroad. Under normal circumstances, a credit card is a bank card with a credit limit, and it will only be handled if there is a record of integrity and a stable income. Then, how to handle the visa card?
users who want to apply for a visa card can go to the bank with relevant information, choose the card type they want to apply for when they arrive at the bank, and fill in the credit card application form and personal identification information. Provide the corresponding materials and certificates, wait for the bank to review, and then get off the card after the approval. Among them, if the applicant for the main card and supplementary card of visa credit card is a domestic resident, a copy of the resident ID card or military officer's card is required. At the same time, it is also necessary to provide the payroll, income certificate or bank passbook issued by the applicant's work unit.
it should be known that every bank can apply for a VISA credit card, and the process of applying for a card is basically the same as that of applying for an ordinary credit card. You can only choose to apply for a bank with your personal documents. In addition, providing as much regional information as possible by credit card applicants can help banks handle their applications and help them get a higher credit limit.
visa is an international credit card organization. At present, visa has its cooperative issuing banks and its own acquiring lines in most countries around the world. Credit cards marked with visa can be used in most countries in the world, no matter which country's bank issues the card. Visa is no exception in China. All credit card issuing banks are partners of visa, and visa also has its own acquiring line in China. UnionPay is a bank card organization in our own country. At present, UnionPay has also issued its own RMB single-currency credit card, which is common in China, and can also be used at UnionPay POS machines and ATMs labeled with UnionPay outside China.