Visa credit card is one of the international credit cards. It is a credit card jointly issued by banks and visa international organizations. The easiest visa credit cards for students to apply for are as follows:
China Merchants Bank: International Student Credit Card (Additional Card). This visa credit card is only an additional card and is not issued as a main card. It is more suitable for international students and their parents. , and it is easy to apply for the card. The most important thing is that the benefits are also rich: the first 4 global cash withdrawals per month are free of charge; you can get points red envelopes when you spend enough, up to 999 points, etc.
Bank of Communications China Eastern Airlines Credit Card: The biggest advantage of this product is that one card has dual logos: UnionPay and visa, which is convenient for domestic and overseas consumption. As an airline co-branded card, it is more suitable for business travelers. . There are three levels of cards: regular card, gold card, and platinum card. The benefits mainly include: credit card points can be exchanged for Eastern Airlines miles, various aviation insurance protections, air ticket discounts, etc.
Ping An Bank visa platinum card: The benefits provided by the visa card organization are equally exciting: the annual fee for the main card is 600 yuan/year, and the supplementary card is 480 yuan/year, which is waived for life during the preferential period; high amount Insurance protection: Overseas aviation accident insurance, travel accident insurance, loss of travel documents and loss of shopping items, loss of travel checked baggage, etc., with a maximum compensation of 2 million yuan, etc.