1. When binding a bank card, you need to verify the cardholder's real name information, that is, the information of {name, ID number}.
2. A micro-signal can only bind one real-name information. The real name information cannot be changed after binding, and the real name binding relationship will not be deleted when the card is released.
3. The same ID number can only be registered for 10 (including 10) WeChat payment;
4. A bank card (including credit card) can bind up to 3 micro signals;
5. A micro signal can be bound to at most 10 bank cards (including credit cards);
6. A WeChat account can only set one payment password;
7. Online banking is not required for bank cards (except Bank of China and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China). As long as there is a reserved mobile phone number in the bank, you can bind WeChat payment.