If the credit card is not overdue for a long time, the situation is not serious, and the personal repayment habits are good, after paying off the overdue debt, under normal circumstances, the bank will unfreeze the credit card within one day and the user can use it normally. If a credit card is overdue for a long time, the bank will not automatically unfreeze and restore the credit card even if the debt is paid off. The cardholder needs to apply to the bank to resume using the credit card. The specific time is not specified and should be determined based on the cardholder's comprehensive personal qualifications and the usage of the credit card. If the cardholder has many overdue payments and has poor credit, the bank may make decisions such as reducing the amount and blocking the card.
What are the consequences of overdue credit card payments?
1. Bad credit record;
2. Interest: calculated at 5‰/day;
3. Liquidated damages;
4. Malicious credit card overdrafts may also face criminal penalties;
5. Be blacklisted by the bank.