The initial credit line level of ICBC university student credit card is as follows:
1, undergraduate
Rmb (USD): 500(50), 1000( 100), 1500( 150), 2000(200), with a maximum of RMB 2,000,200 USD.
2. Graduate students
Rmb (USD): 1000( 100), 2000(200), 3000(300), 4000(400), with a maximum of 4,000 RMB and 400 USD.
3. Doctoral students:
Renminbi (USD): 2000(200), 4000(400), 5000(500), 6000(600), higher than 6000(600). Under normal circumstances, the initial credit limit for doctoral students is RMB (USD) not exceeding 10000 (65400). If the student's academic qualifications improve, the credit line will be re-approved.