In the case of China Merchants Bank Credit Card, the credit card is a debit card. The money you deposit in the credit card is called overpayment, and it does not bear interest. Overpayments can be withdrawn in cash, but handling fees will be charged (domestic RMB cash advance fees are calculated based on 1% of the amount of each cash advance, and the minimum charge is RMB 10 per transaction). In addition, according to According to relevant regulations of the People's Bank of China, the cumulative daily cash advance amount for each domestic card shall not exceed ¥2,000. It is recommended that you apply for a refund of overpayment, as the handling fee is slightly lower. Please call the customer service hotline 4008205555, follow the voice prompts to enter your ID number or card number and query password
, and then select "9" to transfer the service specialist to apply for you. The overpayment redemption account must be consistent with your credit card account name, and a certain handling fee must be paid. The handling fee is 0.5 of the reclaimed amount. The minimum charge is ¥5 yuan or
or $1 USD. Currently, we The bank has launched a preferential policy, with a maximum charge of ¥50 yuan or $10 USD.