Lead: Bai Yansong once said that there will be no pie in the sky, and if it falls, it will be a discus. This sentence is to tell everyone not to expect that a pie can fall on themselves every day. If it falls on themselves, it may be smashed. However, in real life, there has been a pie falling from the sky, which seems to be the opposite of this sentence. Once a college student studying abroad found a credit card loophole and swiped away 23 million yuan. After being found, he was unable to repay it. What happened?
1. Grasping the Pie
This foreign student is called Michele Monique Reis. With the continuous economic development in China, people's living standards are constantly improving. Some parents in China want their children to get a better education, so most of the better children choose China to study abroad. The cards they use are generally credit cards, which are overspent. However, under an accidental opportunity, Michele Monique Reis found a loophole in her credit card, but Michele Monique Reis didn't dare to spend money lavishly at first. After she spent money, she had to pay off huge debts. However, she found that she didn't need to pay off her loans no matter how much she brushed. Michele Monique Reis, who spent more and more, began to be bold, so she bought luxury houses and luxury cars and kept buying luxury goods and expensive clothes. Such a luxurious life made people around him feel that his family was rich.
Second, the loophole is blocked
Because in the eyes of other students, Michele Monique Reis is just an ordinary international student, not very rich, but Michele Monique Reis suddenly bought so many luxury goods and even bought a luxury car, which made other students think that Michele Monique Reis's family began to get rich, but in fact, Michele Monique Reis kept swiping his credit card until the bank found the loophole and found Michele Monique Reis, and also gave Li Jiaxin a summons. In court, Michele Monique Reis was also very annoyed that he shouldn't give in to the temptation of money and spend the money in his credit card lavishly. The bank kept accusing Michele Monique Reis of swiping the card and even took out all the accounts of Michele Monique Reis's consumption, but in the end, the court decided that Michele Monique Reis didn't need to bear any responsibility for the bank and didn't need to pay off the 23 million loan. However, the bank was not reconciled to this result, but kept chasing Li Jiaxin to repay.
In order to avoid debt, Michele Monique Reis returned to China. After returning to China, Michele Monique Reis still attracted many people's attention. The focus of people's attention was that Michele Monique Reis could find pies falling from the sky, but at the same time, people envied Michele Monique Reis's consumption habits. Because the salary of the job she found after returning to China was not high, his life was very poor compared with his previous life, and he also liked to spend money lavishly. Therefore, after he returned to China, his life was more uncomfortable. As the saying goes, it is difficult to live frugally. Sometimes she can't control her habit of spending money, and she still buys some expensive items lavishly.
Conclusion: Liu Jiaxin got the pie, but it was also risky. Although the court didn't ask Michele Monique Reis to return it to 23 million yuan, the bank didn't let her go, so that she fled to China, so sometimes the pie falling from the sky may be a trap.