It is usually possible to re-spend immediately after paying off the credit card, but the specific situation depends on the consumption behavior. Normal purchases, such as swiping your card at a store, usually don't cause problems. However, if you use a POS machine to operate it yourself, you need to pay attention to operational compliance, otherwise there may be a risk of derating or account freezing due to improper operation.
There are many repayment methods. For example, in-bank repayment can be made through bank counters, ATMs, online banking, automatic transfers and telephone banking. The limit can be restored immediately. The money is usually processed on the same day and credited to the account. Mobile phone repayment uses the mobile financial system, which can not only repay by swiping cards but also transfer funds, and the payment is instant. Online repayments include Baidu Wallet, UnionPay Online and other platforms, with different charging standards and arrival times. Although inter-bank transfers are convenient, they may involve additional fees, and the arrival time and convenience are not as good as internal repayment methods.
The general rule is to use other bank branches to conduct RMB transactions over the counter. In general, as long as you comply with the regulations and operate in a timely and compliant manner, it is okay to re-spend after paying off your credit card, but you need to handle it carefully to maintain your credit record and account security.