Huishang Bank is good. Huiyin Rural Bank and Huishang Bank have different deposit-taking levels. Huishang Bank is a national commercial bank, Huishang Urban Bank is a local urban commercial bank, and the smaller ones are urban credit cooperatives and rural credit cooperatives. Huiyin Rural Bank was approved by the Banking Regulatory Authority of the State Council. Huishang Bank Co., Ltd. serves as the main sponsor and absorbs joint investment from 3 non-financial institutional corporate legal entities and 3 natural persons. It was established in Jinzhai County to mainly provide financial services for local farmers, agriculture and rural economic development. Banking financial institutions. Registered capital is 80 million yuan. Huishang Bank is the country's first regional joint-stock commercial bank jointly restructured by a city commercial bank and a city credit cooperative. The overall design of Huishang Bank's reorganization is based on the 6+7 plan. It was established in 2005 by the merger of six urban commercial banks in Hefei, Wuhu, Anqing, Ma'anshan, Huaibei and Bengbu and seven urban credit cooperatives in Lu'an, Tongling, Huainan, Fuyang Technology, Fuyang Xinying, Fuyang Galaxy and Fuyang Jinda. It was officially established on December 28, 2018.