You must pay the minimum amount. If you already have late payment fees, it means you have overdue repayment. This is already a bad record. If a credit card holder is late in repayment three times in a row or six times in total, the bank will automatically treat it as a malicious overdraft, which will have a great impact on your future bank loans and make it almost impossible to get it. If you are overdue once, you can ask the bank to issue a certificate of non-malicious debt, so that the bank will approve the loan to you.
In addition, the minimum repayment amount of a credit card will generate recurring interest. The interest will be calculated based on the full amount of the consumption from the date of consumption. The recurring interest is daily interest, and interest will be generated every day. Generally, the interest rate of banks is calculated on the basis of RMB 10,000. Calculated by five-quarters.
The above answers are compiled with reference to the information on the IAika website.