Many people now have credit cards, which indeed bring a lot of convenience to our daily consumption and capital turnover. While everyone uses credit cards on a daily basis, they also very much hope that their credit limit will be higher and higher, giving themselves more money. Lots of funds available.
Then why are so many cardholders keen on increasing their credit limit? There are no more than the following two situations: 1. People who need capital turnover 2. People who need to handle loan business. When handling loans and other businesses, banks will refer to Your existing loan situation and past repayment record, etc., will be used to judge your personal credit situation. A high credit card limit in your name reflects your personal financial status and repayment ability, which will be a bonus for handling some businesses. At the same time, the credit card limit and the reserve fund given to you by the card issuer will also be high.
The first is to make the bank feel that the credit limit you give you will not become bad debts and cannot be recovered, that is, the funds are safe;
The second is to make the bank feel that you can make it make money. , after all, the purpose of banks issuing credit cards is to make money.
All limit increases are based on these two principles, and card maintenance skills are also based on these two points, which is to allow banks to make money safely.
Today we will talk about the 14-line universal credit card limit increase method
Analysis of the 25 3 1 method:
25 transactions (single consumption of 100 to 500 yuan) Small amount
3 transactions (single transaction does not exceed 30 of the quota) medium amount
1 transaction (single transaction does not exceed 60 of the quota) large amount
1 , 25 small-amount card transactions. This does not necessarily have to be 25 transactions. The 25 transactions mentioned here are enough. We have always said that for intensive care cards, the monthly consumption should be more than 20 transactions, and for general care cards, the monthly consumption should be more than 10 transactions. If it is a fine sample, it should be small, with more than 20 transactions per month. We will talk about how ordinary people consume it later.
2. 3 medium-value purchases should not exceed 30% of the card limit. For example, if you have a limit of 10,000, you would generally spend 10-30%, that is, 1K-3K. This is based on Just be flexible and adapt to your own situation.
3. For a large purchase, from the perspective of risk control, each time the card is swiped, it should not exceed 60 of the total card amount, such as 10,000 yuan, and the maximum swipe is more than 6,000 yuan. If you swipe too much, compare If the card is damaged, this large amount of consumption can be controlled to 30-60 of the card limit, but not more than 60. You can be flexible in this regard.
4. Small-amount consumption is generally operated from Monday to Friday, and medium-amount and large-amount consumption are generally operated on Saturdays and Sundays.
The card swiping time is divided into four time periods: morning, noon, afternoon and evening. Morning: 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.; Noon: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Afternoon: 4 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Evening: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. The specific method is as follows:
1. In the morning: mainly buy breakfast, mainly at supermarkets, convenience stores, bakeries, and non-staple food stores. The amount is between 10 yuan and 100 yuan.
2. Noon: Lunch, main shopping: hotel or restaurant, convenience store, bakery, etc. 100 yuan to 2,000 yuan.
3. Afternoon: Dinner, main meal: hotel or restaurant, Western restaurant, etc. 100 yuan to 2,000.
4. Evening: Shopping, daily entertainment. Main shopping: department stores, supermarkets, fitness, bars, beauty salons, bowling, KTV, cinemas, etc. 100 yuan to 5,000 yuan.
5. Make separate arrangements for Saturdays and Sundays. The principle we adhere to is to swipe at high-end merchants and simulate real consumption. Saturdays and days are the rest time for many people, so medium- and large-amount consumption can be placed here. For two days of consumption, from Monday to Friday, just pay small amounts.
1. For the sake of safety, single transaction should be controlled within 3W when swiping the card, and transactions in a single day should be controlled within 10W (more than 10W is easily subject to supervision);
2. When swiping the card, the transaction will be rounded up. is zero;
3. If the credit card limit exceeds 1W, each credit card swipe should be controlled within 60. Do not swipe it all on the same machine on the same day, but swipe it over several days or machines;
4. Swipe your card during business hours, usually from 9 am to 8:30 pm. Please do not swipe your card during the rest of the time (non-business hours are dangerous periods);
5. Do not swipe the same credit card within one day If you swipe the card more than twice on the same machine, there should be an interval of 30 minutes between the two times. Do not use the same credit card on the same machine more than 3 times within a week.
The above 5 points are very important and are effective for credit card limit increases. Sometimes if you don’t understand the basic card maintenance rules, it is easy for the bank to reduce the limit or block the card. If you have a POS machine and need to swipe your card, you can also send me a private message to learn about the POS machine or get it for free.