The overpayment on a credit card can be spent by credit card or withdrawn in cash. Many cardholders paid off the balance after their credit card bills came out, only to forget to pay it off again, which is equivalent to paying off the loan twice. Paying off extra money is equivalent to depositing money into a credit card. It can be solved in two ways. Let’s learn about it with the editor of If you have other credit card-related issues, you can click on the link at the end of the article for legal consultation and let a professional lawyer take care of your worries. If you have other credit card related issues, you can click on the link at the end of the article for legal consultation and let a professional lawyer take care of your worries.
What to do with the overpaid credit card payment
After repaying the credit card, you can check the repayment status on mobile banking. If you repay the money once, it will be displayed twice. The payment is recorded in the account because the first repayment offsets the current debt. If there is no other debt due on the credit card, the second payment will exist in the form of overpayment.
If there is still consumption after paying off the credit card, the overpayment will be deducted from the next period's bill balance, and the remaining money will still become an overpayment. Considering that the credit card has not incurred any charges for more than 180 days, For transactions, overpayment will lead to the risk of forming bad debts. It is best to settle the money. There are two methods you can try:
1. Spend by swiping your card: First, you must know how much overpayment there is. Make the payment, and then select a product with the same price to pay online, or shop offline. If the payment is successful, the excess payment limit will be used up. For example, if the credit card limit is 5,000 yuan, including an overpayment of 200 yuan, if you purchase 200 yuan of goods, the overpayment limit will become 0.
2. Withdraw cash by credit card: That is, withdraw cash by credit card through the ATM machine of the card issuing bank outlet or at the counter. Take out the excess payment that exceeds the credit card limit and turn it into cash. This can also be solved, but the key is Although there is no interest charge for cash withdrawals on credit card overpayments, cash handling fees are likely to be charged, so it is not cost-effective to swipe the card.