1. Many banks can provide grace period service, so that repayment will not be overdue after the repayment date and the grace period on the last day. The grace period of each bank is different, such as one day in Guangfa, two days in Agricultural Bank of China and Bank of East Asia, and three days in other prime bank. If the repayment date is exceeded and the repayment is not made within the grace period, it will be really overdue. The grace period of credit card will be available every month, and it can be enjoyed without the active application of the cardholder. However, we should not always rely on the grace period. After all, the bank will feel that the cardholder's repayment ability is not very good and will not easily withdraw the credit card. It is best to repay before the end of the repayment date. It should be noted that the repayment within the credit card grace period is not overdue, and it is not necessary to repay in full. If it is not possible, the minimum repayment amount can be repaid, but it cannot be handled by installments.
2. A credit card, also called a debit card, is a credit certificate issued by a commercial bank or a credit card company to a consumer with qualified credit. It is in the form of a card with the name, expiration date, number and cardholder's name printed on the front, and a magnetic stripe and signature strip on the back. Consumers with credit cards can go to special commercial service departments for shopping or spending, and then the bank will settle accounts with merchants and cardholders, and cardholders can overdraw within the prescribed limit.