1, online staging
Please choose the payment method when placing an order. Please choose the installment payment method. After the payment is successful on the bank page, the bank will deduct the total amount in one lump sum and repay it to the bank in installments every month.
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2. Bill installment payment
After the payment is successful, you can call the payment bank you use to apply for bill installment. According to the requirements of the bank's customer service staff, you can complete the bill installment after telling the relevant information.
Extended data:
When online installment payment is used, the order is valid within 24 hours, and the overdue system will automatically cancel it. In order to ensure that every customer has a fair buying opportunity, the website does not provide price and inventory protection until you actually pay the full amount. When the price and inventory change due to factory price adjustment, end of promotion, snapping up, etc., the payment time shall prevail.
Calculation formula of installment payment: repayment amount per installment = commodity payment amount/number of installments+commodity payment amount * installment interest rate.
Online installment: direct online installment through our online banking payment gateway.
Installment of bills: After the credit card payment is successful, you call the bank to apply for installment payment.
/help.suning.com/page/id-136.htm "target =" _ blank "title =" Suning. cn- payment method introduction "> suning.cn-payment method introduction.