1. You can accumulate credit. By constantly using cards reasonably and accumulating personal credit, once you have accumulated credit, it will be easy to get a lot of funds from the bank for easy turnover. It is a very good financing channel for enterprises.
2. Funds are easy to turn around. If the loan expires and must be repaid on time, the cash flow in your hand will become less and less. If you have several credit cards, you can use them continuously if you use them a little. The more you use it, the bigger it gets.
3. The interest rate is lower than that of loans. Compared with private loans, the interest rates for loans and credit cards are relatively low, and can generally be controlled at around 3-5%. Private loans are generally 5%. Points -1 hair. Summary: The key to credit cards and POS machines depends on how you use them. For those who maliciously cash out and do not have good capital flow, it is still recommended that you do not apply for a large credit card. If you can make a reasonable combination of funds with the resources at hand, As a person, large credit cards are still very useful.