If it is the former, if you use your card illegally, such as cashing out or overdue repayment, your card will be stopped by the bank, and the handling fee will be borne by you, which is mentioned in the bank's cash installment agreement, as follows:
"The cardholder's Longka credit card is suspended, or the cardholder actively applies for account cancellation or requests to stop the card, or the cardholder fails to perform the debt, or the cardholder fails to perform the installment payment related agreement, or the cardholder's debt performance ability or credit degree is reduced (including but not limited to the cardholder's violation of laws, regulations, the China Construction Bank Longka Credit Card Charter or related business regulations when using the credit card; The application materials provided by the cardholder are untrue, inaccurate and incomplete; The cardholder refuses to bear the risks and responsibilities arising from using credit card transactions; The cardholder's account has not been repaid for three consecutive months from the first billing date after the account is in arrears or the repayment has not reached the minimum repayment amount; Cardholders use credit cards to conduct false transactions; Other major changes have taken place in the credit status or repayment ability of the cardholder, including but not limited to work adjustment, income reduction, unemployment, serious illness, default on other debts, etc. , which is enough to affect its repayment ability, and no longer meets the conditions for CCB to handle credit cards and has not added the guarantee recognized by CCB; Other legitimate reasons identified by CCB or card risk control factors), the cardholder's installment debt shall be deemed to be all due when the above events occur, and the cardholder shall repay all the remaining debts in one lump sum, including but not limited to principal, handling fee, interest, late payment fee and all other repayable funds. "
If you have traded in a risky merchant and the bank has changed the card, it has no effect on the installment.