If the minimum repayment amount cannot be repaid before the end of business on the due repayment date, in addition to paying overdraft interest according to the above interest-bearing method, a late fee of 5% of the unpaid minimum repayment amount shall also be paid.
If the minimum repayment amount is not fully repaid twice (inclusive) before the end of business on the due repayment date, the card issuer has the right to stop using the card.
Icbc credit card interest-overdraft withdrawal interest
ICBC Peony Credit Card overdraft withdrawal has no interest-free repayment period, and local overdraft withdrawal has no handling fee. Overdraft interest shall be calculated at the daily interest rate of 0.5 ‰ from the second day of the overdraft trading day.
ICBC Credit Card officially cancels the full penalty clause.
China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China started to upgrade the Peony Credit Card system in the early hours of the 22nd, and the newly revised Peony Credit Card Charter was officially implemented, and the penalty interest of Peony Credit Card was also cancelled. This is the first time that domestic banks have broken the practice of partial overdue penalty interest on credit cards.
For overdue repayment of overdraft credit cards, at present, domestic banks all adopt the method of full interest, that is, as long as there is a fraction that is not repaid, they will charge five ten thousandths of daily interest on all overdraft funds from the date of consumption.