1. Choose the minimum repayment amount.
After the general bill comes out, the current bill will show the full repayment amount and the minimum repayment amount. Generally, the minimum repayment amount is 10% of the bill amount. Assuming the bill is 10,000 yuan, press The minimum repayment amount is only 1,000 yuan to avoid overdue payment.
However, the minimum repayment amount does not enjoy the interest-free period. The bank will charge interest at 0.5% per day from the date of consumption.
2. Choose installment repayment.
If you are unable to repay the loan in full, but do not want to have bad credit, bill installment is also a good choice. However, although bill installment is interest-free, you must pay a certain handling fee, and The longer the installment period, the higher the handling fee.
Before installment, you must understand clearly the installment requirements of your credit card bill, such as the application time, minimum installment amount, and maximum installment amount, and then choose a more convenient installment method.
3. Apply to change the billing date.
This method can extend the repayment period by one month, but remember to make changes before the bill comes out. In this way, you can get a longer interest-free period after the modification is successful, and it will not affect your personal records. , even interest and handling fees are saved.
However, not all banks can provide statement date modification services. Before making changes, you must understand some of the card issuer's statement date modifications, such as whether modifications are supported and how long it takes to modify them. once.
A credit card, also known as a credit card, is a credit certificate issued by a commercial bank or credit card company to eligible consumers. The form is a card with the name of the card issuer, validity period, number, cardholder name, etc. printed on the front, and a magnetic strip and signature strip printed on the back. Consumers holding credit cards can shop or spend money in specialized business service departments, and then the bank will settle accounts with merchants and cardholders. Cardholders can overdraw within a specified amount.
Credit cards as stipulated in relevant Chinese laws (Interpretations of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the Provisions of the People's Republic of China and the Criminal Law on Credit Cards) refer to electronic credit cards issued by commercial banks or other financial institutions. Payment card. It has all or part of the functions of consumer payment, credit loan, transfer settlement, cash deposit and withdrawal, etc.
Credit card consumption is a non-cash transaction payment method. No need to pay cash when consumption, repayment on the day of receipt. Credit cards are divided into credit cards and quasi-credit cards. A credit card refers to a credit card where the cardholder has a certain credit limit and can repay before spending within the credit limit; a quasi-credit card refers to a cardholder who deposits a certain amount of petty cash in accordance with regulations and pays when the balance in the petty cash account is insufficient. A quasi-credit card that allows overdraft within a specified credit limit. Credit card generally refers to just a credit card.
From January 1, 2021, the credit card overdraft interest rate will be determined by the card issuer and the cardholder through negotiation, and the upper and lower limit management of credit card overdraft interest rate will be cancelled. (The original upper limit is 0.05% of the daily interest rate, and the lower limit is the daily interest rate. 0.7 times 0.05%).