If the credit card does not repay, first of all, the personal credit report will have overdue records, resulting in credit stains!
Secondly, if you don't repay the loan, there will be five ten thousandths of interest every day, and there will be a late fee every month. The cost of repayment will be higher and higher!
If the credit card is overdue and the bank fails to repay it within two months after three reminders, and the amount exceeds 5000 yuan, the bank has the right to sue you. The bank will ask you for money, not your relatives. If the circumstances are serious, the overdue personal credit record will also have a certain impact on your family. For example, if your wife (husband) applies for a mortgage in the future, although he (she) has no overdue record, but you have a serious overdue record, the bank will also take these factors into account, thus affecting his (her) loan amount or interest rate. With the development of technology, the personal credit information system will be more and more perfect in the future! Therefore, if you have credit card arrears, you must pay attention to timely repayment to avoid trouble in your future life!