Be sure to sign the back of the credit card. This signature is as important as your password.
For consumers, although credit cards have passwords, as more and more credit cards are used, the risk of password leakage increases accordingly. When using a credit card, if the cashier finds that the signature is inconsistent with the signature on the credit card, he/she has the right to cancel the consumption and refuse to sell the goods, which can avoid losses to the cardholder to a certain extent.
Bankers remind cardholders that when applying for a credit card, they should sign a more personalized name, preferably a signature that they try to imitate. At the same time, consumers should not set passwords to easily verifiable numbers such as birthdays.
In addition, you should develop the habit of keeping transaction documents. When problems occur, they can be easily checked and provided to the bank for investigation. It is also best to memorize the bank's phone number in case the card is lost or stolen. Report the loss of your mobile phone promptly.