Although you can't transfer money by credit card, you can transfer money by other savings cards. If you want to receive money remitted to you by others with a credit card, you only need to provide the sender with the credit card number. The remitter will use the card number provided by you to remit money directly to your credit card through online banking. So because the credit card has the function of accepting money transfer, it can be used to transfer money and repay money online. If you have a debit card from another bank and have opened the inter-bank transfer function of online banking, you can use this function of online banking to transfer money to our credit card for repayment.
However, credit cards can be cashed out, but a certain handling fee is required. According to the regulations of Agricultural Bank of China, the cash withdrawal fee is:
Domestic cash withdrawal:
(1) Domestic banks: 1% of the withdrawal amount, with a minimum of 1 RMB per transaction.
(2) Domestic banks: 65438+ 0% of the cash withdrawal amount+2 yuan, with a minimum of 3 yuan RMB per transaction.
(3) Domestic emergency cash withdrawal: 2% of the cash withdrawal amount, with the lowest 2 yuan.
(4) Withdrawal or transfer of excess repayment from domestic foreign currency accounts: 65,438+0% withdrawal amount, with the minimum amount of 65,438+0 USD/65,438+0 EUR/65,438+0 AUD/65,438+0 GBP/65,438+00 JPY.
Overseas cash withdrawal:
(1) Overseas (UnionPay network): 1%+ 12 yuan of the withdrawal amount.
(2) Overseas (non-bank network): 3% of the cash withdrawal amount, with a minimum of USD 3/transaction (or equivalent in other foreign currencies).
In fact, it is not cost-effective to withdraw cash. If the landlord needs to use this card for subsequent consumption, I suggest you don't move. I hope my answer can help you!