When you find that your credit card has any deduction during use, you should find the issuing bank to answer the question as soon as possible. Take the initiative to keep the consumption records and data of any deduction. Explain the situation and ask the bank customer service to solve the problem.
After arbitrary deduction and credit card violation, you can complain directly on the complaint platform. This platform has certain binding force. After receiving the complaint, the platform will directly feed back to the bank, so that the bank can deal with the problem as soon as possible. And will track and monitor the progress of complaints in real time.
After the credit card is overdue, it has promised to repay and negotiate as soon as possible, but the bank is still collecting it. In this case, you can complain to the mutual fund association or the China Banking Regulatory Commission. If these two methods still can't solve the problem, you can find the media to expose the matter.