you can submit an order through Origin through the store tab in Origin or Origin. To view your order record in Origin, select the order record in the help menu after logging in. If you need to modify your order, please prepare your order number and contact us, and we will handle it for you.
how do I add games to my games library?
when you buy a digital download version of a game through Origin-whether through the store tab or on the origin website-the game is automatically added to your "My Games" library.
you can also select add games from the Origin menu to add games that were not purchased in Origin to the My Games library, including CD games for Mac or PC.
some EA games support dual platforms (both on Mac and PC)-you can buy a game on Origin, and then when you log in to Origin on your Mac or PC, the game will automatically appear in your unified (Mac/PC) "My Games" library.
are all the games on p>Origin charged?
Origin offers many free choices:
a free game is a complete game that you can download and play for free.
a free trial game is a complete game that you can download and play for a certain period of time. If you choose to buy the game after the trial, Origin's cloud storage will enable you to continue the game where you left off at the end of the trial.