Open the iTunes store on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. If you want to transfer to an iTunes store in a certain country, you need to have a credit card billing address in this country. In addition, if you have an iTunes gift card from a country, you can also switch your account to that country's account. [ 1]
Go to the store homepage and click on the Apple ID. If you haven't signed in to your account, click Sign In, and then enter your Apple ID username and password.
Click to view the Apple ID or view the account.
Click the country/region.
Click to change the country and region.
Enter the country you want to switch to. Remember, you need a valid credit card billing address in the country you want to switch to. After selecting a country, click Next.
Agree to the terms and conditions listed by Apple.
Enter your credit card and billing information. Credit card billing information needs to match the switching country.
It's done. Next, you can browse and buy songs and apps in the new iTunes and APP store.
Method 2
Switch countries on a Mac or PC.
Sign in to iTunes or App Store on your computer with your Apple ID. If you haven't signed in to your account, after opening iTunes or App Store, click Sign In and enter your username and password.
Switching countries is not as simple as you think, just switch the national flag at the bottom of the homepage. If you simply switch the national flag at the bottom of the home page, you will only be able to browse the iTunes or App Store in the country as a tourist, but you can't buy an app.
When you sign in to the account, click the account in the toolbar on the right. You need to enter your Apple ID again.
Click the link to change the country or region on the account page.
Select the country you want to switch to. Remember, you can only switch to a country with a valid local credit card billing address or local gift card. If the above conditions cannot be met, the country switch cannot be completed. [2] Select a country and click Change.
When the iTunes store welcome page appears, click Next.
Read and agree to Apple's Terms and Privacy Policy. Select the check box next to I have read and agreed to the above terms and conditions, and then click Agree.
Enter a valid payment method. If you have a credit card, please enter the credit card information. You can also enter a local gift card here.
Enter the billing address and other information related to your local credit card, and then click Next.
Method 3
Browse iTunes or App Stores in different regions.
Open the iTunes store and slide the mouse to the bottom of the page. Click the flag icon in the lower right corner. The logo currently displayed on the page represents the iTunes store in the country/region you are using.
Click on the national flag and a list of national flags will appear. Choose the flag of the country you want to go to. At this point, you will return to the homepage of iTunes or App Store. After switching countries, you will be able to browse the app store information, but you can't buy music, movies and applications from it.
Method 4
Solutions to common problems
Troubleshooting iTunes Match subscriptions. ITunes doesn't allow you to change the country and region of iTunes Match (storing songs in iCloud). Cancel your subscription or wait for it to expire, and then you can change the country. To cancel iTunes Match, you need to
Open iTunes and click the App Store link in the top bar.
Click the Login button, and then enter your Apple account and password.
Click Store → View My Account.
Locate the "iTunes in the Cloud" area, and then click "Turn off automatic renewal" next to iTunes Match. [3]
Eliminate the problems caused by unfinished season tickets. If you have one or more season tickets, you need to use them to switch countries. You can choose to run out of season tickets or wait until the season tickets expire.
3 eliminate the problems caused by the unexpired film lease. If you don't rent a new movie for at least 30 days, you can change countries.
4 Eliminate the problems caused by store balance. Unfortunately, you need to use up all your points before changing countries. If you can spend less money than you need, you need to add a credit card, and then you'd better only buy goods that exceed the credit limit. The credit line will be used up and the rest will be recharged to the account balance. If there is no balance in the account, you can switch countries.
5. Eliminate the problem of store refund. Wait a few hours until the refund application is approved, and then you can try to switch countries again. This kind of problem usually only takes a few hours to wait.
Learn how to get your account and password back. If you can't switch countries because you forgot your account password, you can check the relevant instructions.
7 If all else fails, please try to update to the new version of iTunes. If all the above methods fail, you can only try to update iTunes.