1. Spend more by swiping your card: Generally speaking, banks focus on the number of purchases in order to earn handling fees. The more times you swipe your card, the higher your card limit will naturally be. If users frequently swipe their cards for consumption, the more handling fees the bank will earn. Banks will favor such users and will increase their credit limit for such customers. Of course, the premise is that users can repay on time every time and there are no overdue records.
2. Repay on time to avoid being on the blacklist: Credit card repayments have a billing date and a repayment date. In order to enjoy the maximum interest-free period, many people basically do it before the repayment date arrives. If you want to quickly increase your credit card limit, you need to change this repayment habit. In order to make the bank feel its strength and sincerity, repay the loan immediately after the statement comes out, and do not wait until the repayment day.
3. Diversify the use of credit cards: Go to restaurants, supermarkets, entertainment KTVs, department stores and other merchants to swipe your cards more, which will not only help increase your credit limit, but also accumulate credit card points.
4. Overseas credit card consumption: Overseas consumption is the top priority for credit card limit increase, because overseas credit card swiping allows banks to earn foreign exchange conversion fees.
5. Participate in more credit card activities: There are many activities on credit cards, especially during holidays, so users can participate in more credit card activities when using credit cards, see what activities the credit cards have, and then choose Participate in some activities that you need, which can also increase the credit card limit.