Is it true that after canceling a credit card, applying again to the bank will be rejected immediately Nowadays, there are more and more credit card products, and we may impulsively apply for a card t
Is it true that after canceling a credit card, applying again to the bank will be rejected immediately Nowadays, there are more and more credit card products, and we may impulsively apply for a card that we don’t need at all. After completing the process, log out immediately before activation. Is it true that if you apply for a credit card from that bank again after a period of time, your application will be rejected instantly? We know that banks do not charge any handling fees when applying for a credit card. Corresponding fees will only be incurred after the card is opened and used. When a bank issues a credit card, there is a card production cost. Whether you use it or not, that cost has already been incurred. Even if some customers use credit cards, the bank may not be able to make back the cost. In order to stop losses, banks will directly reject your application when you apply again. They will think that you are doing it for fun and not really need it. Some banks have difficulty in canceling a credit card or may not be able to approve the card even if it costs 100 yuan. For example, for the credit cards of the four major state-owned banks and China Agricultural and Industrial Construction Bank, you can only apply for the same card once in a lifetime. Once canceled, it is impossible to apply for it again. To sum up, my friends, when applying for a card, you need to think clearly whether you really need this card, and when you want to cancel it, you should also think carefully before canceling it. , you can apply for various credit cards quickly and safely.