if you want a higher credit limit, you must first take good care of your existing credit cards, spend more on them, repay them on time, and continue to use them for at least 6 months.
use the card in a safe manner. After cultivating many large credit cards, it will also bring some negative risks, such as blind consumption risk, overdue risk and so on. Therefore, after having many large credit cards, we should use the credit cards rationally and scientifically, and we should not spend too much and blindly, which will lead to large debts in the credit cards and lead to overdue payments.
cultivating large credit cards needs to start with applying for credit cards. New cardholders must not apply for too many credit cards, because the initial quota will not be too high, and the credit limit may be a horizontal quota, so it will be very troublesome to increase all credit card quotas later. Therefore, at the beginning, it is generally best to apply for about two. This can not only manage the credit card well, but also help the credit card withdrawal operation. At the beginning, we should also choose a bank with easy withdrawal and short withdrawal period to apply.