How should a novice use a credit card? For a novice, it is very important to keep a good credit record. Many consumers think: "Although I have a credit card, there should be no charge and no cost if I
How should a novice use a credit card? For a novice, it is very important to keep a good credit record. Many consumers think: "Although I have a credit card, there should be no charge and no cost if I don't use it. There should be no overdue repayment, which will make my credit record bad. Actually, some credit cards need to pay an annual fee if you don't spend it from the time you get off the card, so novices should ask clearly about the activation and payment of the credit card. Now we see on the Internet that there are many people who have been sued by the bank because of their default in repayment. In fact, as long as you repay the loan on time, the problem will not be great. Even if it is overdue, the bank will contact the credit card holder first, and they will only consider suing the other party if they have contacted many times and the cardholder has always avoided it. < /p > The following suggestions are given to the cardholder's bank: 1. Although credit cards can be used to advance consumption, the scale of consumption should be controlled, and it must not exceed its repayment ability. 2. When you change your personal information, you should communicate with the bank in time to avoid the loss of contact. 3. You should know something about the use of credit cards and interest payment. 4. Novices of credit cards must learn the skills of using cards seriously and try to avoid the following misunderstandings. < /p > Myth 1: Deposit before consumption or withdraw cash. Some cardholders are used to debit cards, so they form the habit of deposit before consumption. After handling credit cards, they will unconsciously use this mode. In fact, the biggest advantage and feature of a credit card is that it is consumed first and then repaid. If you deposit first and then consume, although there are funds pre-deposited by the cardholder, the credit card consumption is still of a borrowing nature, and the deposited funds will not be consumed. This fund can only be used as repayment funds. The same is true for cash withdrawal. Even if the cardholder deposits 1, yuan in the card first and then withdraws 1, yuan immediately, it will still be charged by the bank. Therefore, using a credit card means spending in advance and paying back the account when it is due, which is the reasonable way to use the card. < /p > Myth # 2: The card can be raised indefinitely. Theoretically speaking, it is possible to use several credit cards to postpone the capital turnover at the same time under controllable circumstances. However, this model is extremely expensive, and the card interest and handling fee will continue to increase, which will easily lead to a high card debt crisis. Second, the approval of bank cards is stricter now, and it is not difficult to handle multiple cards. Therefore, novices of credit cards must not develop the thinking and habit of raising cards with cards, otherwise they may be caught in the card debt crisis and eventually pay a high price. < /p > Myth 3: Use the "minimum repayment" to avoid interest. Credit card has a "minimum repayment" function, and the cardholder can continue to use the card only by paying 1% of the payable amount every month. Many novices like this function very much, thinking that it can get the use of bank funds at the least cost. In fact, the interest-free period can only be enjoyed if the credit card is overdrawn in full according to the regulations. If the "minimum repayment" is used, interest must be paid, and the expected annualized interest rate is much higher than the expected annualized interest rate of the loan in the same period, and the cardholder has to pay a heavy economic cost. Therefore, the "minimum repayment" function can be used occasionally in an emergency, but not often, otherwise it is not as cost-effective as direct loans.