if you want to repay your credit card in advance after the installment, you need to call customer service first to apply for ending the installment business. After the application, you need to pay off the installment amount and installment fee in one lump sum.
at present, the repayment order of credit card is that the bill has been paid first, and then the bill has not been paid. When repaying, you need to pay attention to the total amount of repayment. If it is overpaid, the overpaid part will become an overpayment.
Credit cards are different from savings cards. There is no handling fee for withdrawing cash from savings cards, but a handling fee is required for withdrawing the overpayment deposited in credit cards. For the credit card overpayment of China Merchants Bank, the withdrawal fee is .5% of the cash withdrawal amount, and the minimum charge is 5 yuan RMB and US$ 1.
in addition, if the cardholder does not use the credit card for a long time, the overpayment will always exist, and it will turn into bad debts of the credit card for a long time.