Empty card cashing is actually a method of cashing by credit card. Here is a brief introduction to the empty card cashing of credit cards.
Conventional credit card cashing means that the cardholder draws the full amount within the credit limit of your credit card through a number of cashing companies or other institutions, and then the cardholder immediately gives you cash. This method requires a handling fee ranging from 1.5-3%.
Empty card cashing is to withdraw cash from your credit card when your credit line runs out. The amount withdrawn can be several times that of your credit line. This kind of cashing is relatively difficult to complete. Only a few banks can cash out their credit cards empty, and the formalities cost is relatively high, with the highest 25% and the lowest about 15%. Usually, the cashier takes you to Suning Appliance or Gome to buy electrical appliances and pay by credit card. Then the agent will give you cash and charge you a handling fee. As for the goods bought, the intermediary will return them to the mall in some way.
Cash-out belongs to consumption, but after spending by credit card, the merchant will give you the same amount of cash instead of taking the goods. Cash-out has an interest-free time, generally 20-56 days. You can cash out in full or double.
On July 26th, 2010, the Shanghai headquarters of the central bank said that it is illegal to cash out credit cards, and the central bank is studying to record the cash-out behavior of cardholders in the personal credit information system, which will directly affect their personal credit records.
-From Baidu Encyclopedia.