Credit cards are generally valid for three to five years, and the validity period is counted from the date of issuance of credit cards. The expiration date of a credit card is clearly marked on the front of your credit card. The validity period of a credit card is generally below the credit card number, and the standard format is one month before and one day after. For example, if the credit card shows 08/ 16, it means that your credit card is valid for August 20 16. Once the validity period expires, the credit card can only save money for repayment, and cannot continue to withdraw cash by swiping the card. If your current credit card is reissued, the validity period is the same as the original one, but if it is reissued, the specific date is on the credit card you have now.
The validity period of the temporary credit line of China Bank is generally about 60 days, which means that after you apply for the temporary credit line of China Bank, you can generally use it for about two months. After two months, the temporary credit line will be invalid.