If the credit card bank does not agree to negotiate repayment, you can discuss it with the bank’s customer service. Inform the other party that you did not intentionally fail to repay, but that you really do not have the ability to repay, and provide corresponding supporting information, and you must clearly express your willingness to actively repay, regarding extending the repayment period, repaying the debt in installments, or suspending interest payments. The application can be submitted several times. If the extension cannot be applied for or the interest rate is suspended, the customer can only repay the loan in accordance with the bank's requirements.
Credit cards, also called credit cards, are credit certificates issued by commercial banks or credit card companies to consumers with qualified credit. It takes the form of a card with the issuing bank's name, validity period, number, cardholder's name and other contents printed on the front, and a magnetic stripe and signature strip on the back.
Consumers holding credit cards can shop or consume at specially designated commercial service departments, and then the bank will settle the accounts with the merchants and cardholders. Cardholders can overdraft within the prescribed limit.
Consequences of overdue credit cards:
1. Penalty interest
If a credit card is overdue, penalty interest will accrue, and the interest will be calculated in full, and the daily interest rate will be 10%. five. For example, if your credit card is overdue for 5,000 yuan and the number of overdue days is 30 days, the penalty interest is 5,000 × 0.05% × 30 = 75 yuan.
In addition, in addition to interest, overdue penalties will also result in liquidated damages. Different banks have different charging standards for liquidated damages. Generally speaking, most banks’ credit card liquidated damages charging standards are basically set as 5% of the unpaid minimum payment amount.
2. Bad credit report
We know that overdue is a kind of dishonesty. Once a credit card is overdue, the bank will report the overdue record to the central bank's personal credit report. The overdue record It will be retained on the personal credit report for five years. During this period, when applying for a bank loan, you may encounter high interest rates, small loan amounts, or even the loan application is directly rejected by the bank.
In addition, for those whose overdue circumstances are particularly serious, their travel will also be affected. They will not be able to fly, high-speed rail, stay in hotels, or use mobile phones to make overdraft purchases. Their children will not be able to attend key schools, and it will be difficult to move forward without trust.
3. Incurring criminal liability
We know that credit card debts are protected by law. If the cardholder maliciously overdrafts and fails to repay overdue payments, he is suspected of credit card fraud and will be liable. Being punished by law and facing jail time.
Penalty depends on the circumstances of the overdue crime. The more serious the circumstances, the heavier the penalty. Those with particularly large overdue amounts may even be sentenced to life imprisonment.
4. Credit card has been reduced or blocked
Banks are the ones who suffer the most when cardholders are overdue. In order to reduce losses, banks will generally reduce the credit card limit of cardholders, or even It is possible to block the card directly. Once your credit card limit is reduced or blocked, it will be difficult to increase or unblock it.