Consumption by stages: it can be used for car purchase, home improvement, parking space, furniture and household appliances.
Installment of bills: training, education, travel, wedding and all other consumer needs related to living and living.
2. The application speed is different.
Consumption by stages: no guarantee and no mortgage, and the application materials are simple.
Bill installment: Conditional mortgage, with the exclusive installment amount up to 300,000 yuan.
/iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/8435 e 5d de 7 1 190 ef8 c 922533 c 0 1b9d 16 fcfa 60 f 5 " target = " _ blank " title = " " class = " ikqb _ img _ alink " >; /iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/8435 e 5d de 7 1 190 ef8 c 922533 c 0 1b9d 16 fcfa 60 f 5? x-BCE-process = image % 2f resize % 2Cm _ lfit % 2Cw _ 600% 2Ch _ 800% 2c limit _ 1% 2f quality % 2Cq _ 85% 2f format % 2Cf _ auto " esrc = "/ 8435 e 5d de 7 1 190 ef8c 922533 c 0 1b9d 16 fcfa 60 F5 "/>
3. The rate concessions are different.
Installment consumption: the monthly handling fee rate is as low as 0.33%;
Installment of bills: the monthly handling fee rate is as low as 0.50%;
4. The terminology is different.
Consumption stages: there are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and the number of stages can be freely selected;
Bill installment: only 6 installments are provided, 12 installments.
/baike . Baidu . com/item/% E5 % 88% 86% E6 % 9C % 9F % E4 % BB % 98% E6 % AC % BE/5074? Fr = Aladdin "target =" _ blank "title =" Baidu Encyclopedia-Installment Payment "> Baidu Encyclopedia-Installment Payment
/baike . Baidu . com/item/% E4 % BF % a 1% E7 % 94% A8 % E5 % 8d % a 1% E8 % B4 % a6 % E5 % 8d % 95% E5 % 88% 86% E6 %。 Baidu encyclopedia-credit card bill installment