In addition, credit card repayment also needs to pay attention to recording time, especially the automatic repayment of credit card-related debit cards. Credit card accounts will not always observe whether the associated debit card account has enough balance to repay. For example, if the balance in the associated debit card account is still insufficient at 5 pm on the latest repayment date of the credit card, the credit card will give up the deduction. That is to say, if the cardholder deposits the money into the debit card after 5 pm that day, the credit card will not deduct the money until the next repayment date.
Repayment will not be considered until the account arrives, because there may be a phenomenon of refund through inter-bank transfer, so the repayment will not arrive. Please confirm whether the repayment has arrived. You can check the repayment status of card friends in real time through online banking, mobile banking and self-service voice phone. If the card repays automatically, the deduction will be displayed the next day. The balance of the bill or the remaining payable amount will be updated 1-2 days after the successful repayment. Repayment through different channels has different time limits.