Domestic bank cards cannot be used with touchngo. This is because domestic bank cards have not signed a cooperation agreement with Malaysian TouchnGo company. TouchnGo is the largest prepaid card company in Malaysia, with 20 million TNG physical cards. Users, TNG cards are bound to the personal ID of Malaysians. A major shareholder of TNG's parent company is CIMB (CIMB Bank Malaysia), which is the second largest bank in Malaysia. Bank cards refer to credit payment instruments issued to the public by approved commercial banks (including postal financial institutions) with all or part of the functions of consumer credit, transfer settlement, cash deposits and withdrawals, etc. Bank cards reduce the circulation of cash and checks, allowing banking business to break through the limitations of time and space and undergo fundamental changes. The application of the bank card automatic settlement system has made the dream of a "checkless, cashless society" a reality.