I firmly believe that many friends have applied for credit cards, and they often use them in their daily lives. For car owners, the area they often visit is the gas station. If you go there every once in a while, refueling will become a new daily consumption item. As we all know, some friends will ask, I have the habit of spending by credit card. Would you like to know if I can refuel this credit card?
It can be said that many gas stations can use credit cards to refuel, as long as there is a POS in the refueling website, it will be ok. In addition, some credit cards also have special discounts for refueling, such as: 8.8% discount for Ping An refueling, rebate for Bank of Communications, 200% return for Agricultural Bank of China 15, 5 times points for GDB credit card refueling or 1% cash return, which can be said to be special or good.
For this matter, many car buyers are also thinking about using credit cards to refuel, but want to know how to refuel with credit cards? In fact, credit card refueling is the same as usual credit card consumption. When the vehicle is full of gas, give the credit card to the clerk and sign it after swiping it at the POS machine. Refueling a vehicle is indeed a big expense, and it is also a kind of welfare for a credit card with such a refueling discount.
Do credit cards hurt gas stations?
1, swiping your card at a gas station won't hurt your card. Only by swiping the card, the gas station needs to bear a certain handling fee, so the use of swiping the card may not necessarily get the refueling discount. Of course, some credit cards will have cash back and preferential activities, so whether users use credit cards when refueling depends entirely on their own needs.
In addition, some gas stations may not support the use of credit cards. Please refer to the situation of gas stations for details.