Credit information refers to the credit records of citizens in their daily lives, including data on credit card overdrafts, loan repayments, tax arrears, etc. Credit report is a way to reflect personal credit status, which can reflect personal repayment ability, credit rating and other information. When applying for a loan, credit card, renting a house, etc., banks, landlords, etc. may check your credit report.
The detailed version of the credit report refers to a credit report with more comprehensive and detailed records, which is more comprehensive than the simplified version of the credit report. The detailed credit report mainly records various data such as personal credit behavior, default situations, credit inquiry records, and other public records. To issue a detailed credit report, you need to apply to the credit report agency and pay the corresponding fees.
For occasions where you need to apply for important loans, travel, rent housing, etc., which have high economic risks, detailed credit reporting can play a very good role. Individuals with detailed credit reports can display their credit status more comprehensively and add points to their credit. At the same time, the detailed credit report also plays a very good role in improving personal credit awareness and maintaining personal credit.