There will be no prison sentence. Generally, you will not be punished if you cash out and repay the money on time. Credit cards provide convenience to people's lives, promote product sales, and stimulate social demand. Cardholders can consume first and then repay within the credit limit given by the bank. However, with the development of business, credit cards are gradually being used by some criminals to make profits through illegal cash-out. Cashing out on credit cards will bring serious consequences to individuals and banks. Remember not to do it just because the "cash" is small!
1. What will be the consequences of overdue credit card repayment?
1. Late payment fees on credit cards. When the cardholder fails to repay before the due repayment date (inclusive) or the repayment amount is less than the minimum repayment amount, the fee payable to the card-issuing bank is stipulated.
2. Overdue interest. After a user uses a credit card to overdraft, there is generally an interest-free repayment period ranging from more than 20 days to more than 50 days. If the cardholder repays overdue, all the expenses of the cardholder last month will no longer enjoy the bank's interest-free payment. treatment, and the recurring daily interest rate is as high as five ten thousandths, that is, the annual interest rate reaches 18.
3. Bad credit record. Overdue credit card repayment records will enter the central bank's credit reporting system to generate bad credit records. my country's personal credit reporting records have been networked nationwide. As long as individual residents have handled loan business at banks, applied for credit cards, or provided guarantees for others, they will be credited. Then you can check your credit report at any domestic commercial bank.
4. Litigation costs. If the credit card is not repaid for more than three months, the bank will ask a lawyer to issue a lawyer's letter to the user and file a lawsuit in court. The litigation costs will be borne by the cardholder.
5. Criminal liability for malicious overdraft.
2. To cash out with credit cards, we must guard against criminal liability
1. The criminal liability involved in cashing out with credit cards is the result of the crime. The prerequisite for criminal involvement is that the money is not paid. As long as the bank calls you If you pay the money back immediately, there will be no penalties.
2. Do not use forged credit cards, or use fraudulently obtained credit cards with false identification, invalid credit cards, or fraudulently use other people’s credit cards. If the amount reaches a large amount, the money will still not be paid. , which is credit card fraud. If the amount involved in the credit card cash-out is relatively large and the circumstances are serious, it is a malicious cash-out and will be considered a fraud, and the cardholder will face criminal liability.
Card holders who use malicious overdraft methods for the purpose of illegal possession will be held criminally responsible. If the amount is large, they will be sentenced. Never do such illegal things. .
Legal basis:
"Criminal Law"
Article 196
Malicious overdraft refers to the cardholder's illegal possession for the purpose of illegal possession. Exceeding the prescribed limit or overdrafting within the prescribed period, and not returning the money even after being called upon by the card issuer. Those who maliciously engage in credit card fraud through overdraft will be held criminally responsible for credit card fraud and be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than 5 years or criminal detention, and a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan.