Expiry refers to expiration or expiration, especially for goods or services with a limited period. When a contract or agreement stipulates a specific period, the expiration of this period means that the contract or agreement has expired and will no longer be valid. Similarly, many products will lose their efficacy after a certain period of time and become expired products. In most modern societies, people place special emphasis on keeping items including food, medicine, cosmetics, etc. from expiring, but the same problem exists for other goods, such as credit cards, insurance, etc.
Because most goods in modern society are processed by a series of chemicals or use various chemicals to extend their life, these goods may have a certain quality within a certain period of time after the date of manufacture. problem, becoming an expired item. For example, microorganisms in food will grow over time until they exceed the maximum value that the human body can tolerate, thereby growing toxins that are difficult for bacteria to consume and becoming expired food. In the same way, even if there is no direct microbial or chemical reaction, many cosmetics will use some active ingredients that may have negative effects later. In this case, expired cosmetics may also cause skin allergies.
What is the treatment method for expired goods?
Once an item has expired, appropriate handling methods must be taken to avoid possible health problems or other negative effects. Typically, this involves placing the item in a trash can or disposing of it by a company that specializes in handling these expired items. Additionally, it may be helpful if you have a good understanding of the shelf life or manufacturing date of an item before purchasing it, to avoid purchasing items that are about to expire, or consuming items that are past their expiration date. Remember, what you do with expired items is important and whether you dispose of them properly or still use them can have a profound impact on your health and the health of others.