1; Registration of wintopay account: First, you need to register an account in wintopay official website to provide necessary personal information and enterprise information.
2; Integration API:wintopay provides APIs and plug-ins that are easy to integrate. You can choose the appropriate API for integration according to the development language and framework of your own website or e-commerce system. Please refer to the official wintopay documentation and developer's guide for specific integration steps.
3; Configure payment parameters: During the integration process, you need to set payment parameters, including payment interface keys, transaction passwords and other security parameters, as well as information related to your bank account.
4; Handling credit card payment request: When a customer submits a payment request, your website or e-commerce system will send the payment request through wintopay's API. Wintopay will process the payment request and communicate with you in real time to inform you of the payment result and processing status.
5; Processing payment results: According to the payment results returned by wintopay, you can update your order status and processing flow accordingly. If the payment is successful, you can get the money back in a short time; If the payment fails, you can contact the customer or provide other payment methods according to the specific situation.