and from the point of view of spending, the simplest way is to spend credit cards. When spending more and more times by credit cards, regardless of the amount, it can help credit cards to increase the amount, but the premise must be based on rational consumption. The "more credit cards" advocated here means that when spending, you can choose to use credit cards as much as possible.
Of course, repayment can also increase the credit card limit. Repayment on time is the "purpose" that must be remembered when using credit cards. Another method is consumption abroad, which will have a very obvious effect on increasing the credit card limit. In addition, the time for applying for withdrawal is also very important. It is most suitable for applying for credit card withdrawal on holidays or shopping festivals such as Double Eleven.
But after using the credit card, you must remember to pay back on time. Once overdue, it will not only produce bad credit records, but also charge overdue penalty interest.