1, overdue repayment. If you are overdue for too many times and owe money for too long, the bank has reason to limit your credit card. Under the bank's telephone dunning, if you still fail to repay, it will constitute a malicious overdraft, and the bank has the right to sue in court.
2. Cash risk. Maybe it is illegal for you to set up cash or points with your credit card, or the bank unilaterally thinks that your card sleeve is risky, so it will monitor it, either reducing your quota or limiting your credit card, that is, freezing your credit card.
3. No credit card records. In other words, your credit card has been completed, but you seldom use it to spend money, so the bank may automatically limit your card.
Suggestion: If your credit card is restricted, the most effective way is to communicate with the bank in a friendly way, otherwise the bank will not unfreeze it automatically. If it is a problem of arrears, negotiate repayment in installments; If it is a card risk problem, try to explain the rationality of using the card to the bank, and the bank will generally accept it.