If your credit card is overdue and you receive a legal notice, it means that it has been overdue for a long time. If the amount is large, you are likely to be sued by the bank. You should raise funds as soon as possible and deal with the bill clearly. If you are temporarily unable to repay, you can negotiate with the card issuer to repay in installments. If you fail to negotiate or refuse to repay, the card issuer can file a lawsuit against your credit card debt and require you to repay the debt. If you fail to repay after the court's judgment, you will be classified as a breach of trust. The person being executed.
1. Bank operations after overdue
Overdue credit cards will not only generate penalty interest, but will also upload overdue records to the central bank’s credit system, affecting personal credit. Once a personal credit record has a bad record, it will affect all aspects of future life. The most direct one is that loan applications will basically not be approved. After overdue payment, you will usually go through many collection stages. First, the bank's internal staff will urge the debtor to repay as soon as possible through phone calls. If the debt has not been repaid, it will be escalated to the legal department after more than one month, and the protection department will issue a legal notice. , and the legal procedures that will follow, etc.
2. Prosecution situation
When it comes to legal notification, legal procedures should have already been carried out, but the specific situation will depend on the time and amount of the debt owed. Generally speaking, overdue credit cards will not be sued in court so quickly. The bank will first negotiate with the debtor for repayment. If the negotiation is successful, the bank will generally not go to court to sue. However, if there is really no way to repay or the debt is owed after negotiation. If there are too many bad borrowers and no intention of repaying the money, the bank will sue the bank.
If you can turn over funds after the overdue period, you should try to pay back the credit card money first. If the credit card is overdue, your credit will be investigated. At that time, it will be impossible to turn over funds through loans or financial institutions. If it is really difficult and you have no funds, you can first negotiate with the bank staff to repay in installments, or formulate a new repayment plan, but the repayment plan must be something you can accept. If you can't If you accept that you still need to negotiate repayment in this way, if you don't come back later, it will speed up the bank's prosecution process.